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Caution should be exercised when administering synthroid to patients with underlying cardiovascular disease, to the elderly, and to those with concomitant adrenal insufficiency.

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If your symptoms or health problems do not get better or if they become worsecall your doctorDo not share your drugs with others and do not take anyone else’s drugsKeep a list of all your drugsprescriptionnatural productsvitaminsOTCwith youGive this list to your doctorTalk with the doctor before starting any new drugincluding prescription or OTCnatural productsor vitaminsSome drugs may have another patient information leafletCheck with your pharmacistIf you have any questions about Synthroidlevothyroxine tabletsplease talk with your doctornursepharmacistor other health care providerIf you think there has been an overdosecall your poison control center or get medical care right awayBe ready to tell or show what was takenhow muchand when it happened.

WARNING/CAUTIONEven though it may be raresome people may have very bad and sometimes deadly side effects when taking a drugTell your doctor or get medical help right away if you have any of the following signs or symptoms that may be related to a very bad side effect:

Since thyroid hormone occurs naturally in the bodyalmost anyone can take levothyroxineHoweveryou may not be able to take Synthroid if you have certain medical conditionsTell your doctor if you have:

Levothyroxine doses are based on weight in childrenYourdose needs may change if you gain or lose weight.

Caution should be exercised when administering SYNTHROID to patients with underlying cardiovascular diseaseto the elderlyand to those with concomitant adrenal insufficiencysee PRECAUTIONS

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