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Wow what a difference this made in my lifeI have had too many side effects from taking antihistaminesIt really treats my allergic symptoms which knocks down asthma symptoms greatlyCan’t believe no doctor recommended sooner.

I was 7 when the dr put me on singulair because I had such terrible asthmaallergiesallergic to smokeBy the time I was 9I was diagnosed clinically depressedI was having night terrors every few nightsOne time I recall sitting straight up in bedI had woken myself up because I was cryingscreaming for my dadIt wasn’t until a few years later that they realized singulair had been the cause of this stuff and taken me off of itSad to saybut now as an adult I have terrible anxietydepression disordersI would advise any parent to please think about your child’s mental healthJust please think of your child’s futureI’m not saying it’sthe full cause of my mental illnessbut I feel robbed of so many good funinnocent years because of what it startedMedication isn’t something to use as an experiment on your childIf the side effects outweigh the solution.

Ms Sellick said she would not stop fighting for compulsory warning labels and urged parents who suspect side effects in their children to consult their doctor.

“I wouldn’t point the blame at one particular person or groupI think there has to be overall more awareness of the issueand for doctors to warn their patientshe said.

If you are taking this medication to prevent breathing problems during exercisetake your dose at least 2 hours before exerciseDo not take more than one dose in 24 hoursDo not take a dose before exercise if you are already taking this medication daily for asthma or allergiesDoing so may increase the risk of side effects.

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