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The dose-response relationship for orlistat in human volunteers is shown in Figure 1The effect is the percentage of ingested fat excretedreferred to as fecal fat excretion percentageBoth individual dataopen circlesand the curve predicted for the population with the maximum-effect modelcontinuous lineare shown in Figure 1.

Orlistat is used to aid in weight lossor to help reduce the risk of regaining weight already lostThis medicine must be used together with a reduced-calorie dietOrlistat is for use only in adults.

Orlistat comes as a capsule and a nonprescription capsule to take by mouthIt is usually taken three times a day with each main meal that contains fatTake orlistat during a meal or up to 1 hour after a mealIf a meal is missed or does not have fatyou may skip your doseFollow the directions on your prescription label or the package label carefullyand ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understandTake orlistat exactly as directedDo not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor or stated on the package.

Orlistat comes as a capsule and a nonprescription capsule to take by mouthIt is usually taken three times a day with each main meal that contains fatTake orlistat during a meal or up to 1 hour after a mealIf a meal is missed or does not have fatyou may skip your doseFollow the directions on your prescription label or the package label carefullyand ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understandTake orlistat exactly as directedDo not take more or less of it or take it more often than prescribed by your doctor or stated on the package.

Avoid eating high-fat meals or you could have unpleasant side effects on your stomach or intestines.

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