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Your doctor may have you take your temperature each morning and record your daily readings on a chartThis will help you determine when you can expect ovulation to occur.

Clomid is typically used today for women with irregular periods or polycystic ovarian syndromePCOSwho desire to become pregnantIt should not be given to women with ovarian cysts or liver disease unless advised by your doctorIt’s important not to consider Clomid as a cure-all for every woman who desires to become pregnantInvestigating the reasons why a woman is not conceiving is important before considering Clomidsince it is not appropriate for all underlying causes of infertilityOf courseinvestigation of a woman’s partner is also important prior to administering any kind of infertility treatment.

If ovulation occurs but you do not get pregnant after 3 treatment cyclesyour doctor may stop treatment and evaluate your infertility further.

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