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ZOLOFT can cause sleepiness or may affect your ability to make decisionsthink clearlyor react quicklyYou should not driveoperate heavy machineryor do other dangerous activities until you know how ZOLOFT affects youDo not drink alcohol while you take ZOLOFT.

PimozideTaking this drug with sertraline can cause serious heart problemsMonoamine oxidase inhibitorsMAOIssuch as isocarboxazidphenelzineand tranylcypromineTaking these drugs with sertraline increases your risk of serotonin syndromeYou must also wait 14 days between taking these drugs and taking sertralineLinezolidintravenous methylene blueTaking this drugs with sertraline increases your risk of serotonin syndrome.

Table 2Risk Differences of the Number of Cases of Suicidal Thoughts or Behaviors in the Pooled Placebo-Controlled Trials of Antidepressants in Pediatric and Adult Patients.

Suicide attempts Acting on dangerous impulses Aggressive or violent behavior Thoughts about suicide or dying New or worse depression New or worse anxiety or panic attacks Agitationrestlessnessangeror irritability Trouble sleeping An increase in activity or talking more than normal Serotonin syndromeThis condition can be life-threateningSymptoms can includehallucinations and delusions agitation loss of consciousness seizures coma fast heart rate changes in blood pressure muscle tremor or stiff muscles dizziness shakiness sweating nausea vomiting muscle rigidity Severe allergic reactionsSymptoms can includetrouble breathing swelling of your facetongueeyesor mouth rashitchy weltshivesor blistersalone or with fever or joint pain Abnormal bleeding Seizures or convulsions Manic episodesSymptoms can includegreatly increased energy severe trouble sleeping racing thoughts reckless behavior unusually grandideas excessive happiness or irritability talking more or faster than usual Changes in appetite or weightYou should check the weight and height of children and adolescents often while they take this drugLow sodium levelsSeniors may be at greater risk for thisSymptoms can includeheadache weakness or unsteadiness confusionproblems concentrating or thinkingor memory problems Eye pain Changes in visionincluding blurred and double vision Swelling or redness in or around your eyes.

Monitor all antidepressant-treated patients for clinical worsening and emergence of suicidal thoughts and behaviorsespecially during the initial few months of drug therapy and at times of dosage changesCounsel family members or caregivers of patients to monitor for changes in behavior and to alert the healthcare providerConsider changing the therapeutic regimenincluding possibly discontinuing ZOLOFTin patients whose depression is persistently worseor who are experiencing emergent suicidal thoughts or behaviors.

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