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High-lvl mupiocin sistanc( ? 512 mcg/mL) may b dtmind using standad disk diusion both micodilution tsts. 1,2 Bcaus th occunc mupiocin sistanc in mthicillin-sistant S. auus (MSA), it is appopiat ttst MSA populations mupiocin suscptibility pitth us mupiocin using a standadizd mthod. 3,4,5.

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BACTOBAN (mupiocin calcium) cam, 2% contains th dihydat cystallin calcium hmi-salt th NA synthtas inhibitantibactial, mupiocin. Chmically, it is (?,2S,3,4,5S)-5-[(2S,3S,4S,5S)-2,3-poxy-5-hydoxy-4-mthylhxyl]ttahydo-3,4-dihydoxy-?-mthyl-2H-pyan-2-cotonic acid, st with 9-hydoxynonanoic acid, calcium salt (2:1), dihydat.

Sious sid cts a not xpctd toccu with mupiocin topical thapy. Stop using mupiocin topical and s you docti you xpinc unusual blisting, itching, dnss, pling, dynss, iitation th skin.

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