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Although this mdicin dcass th numb asthma pisods, it may incas th chanc a sv asthma attack whn thy doccu. B su tad about ths isks in th patint inomation lalt and talk tyou doctphamacist about any qustions concns that you hav.
This mdicin should only b usd as an additional tatmnt patints whcannot b tatd with oth asthma mdicins (such as inhald coticostoids) asthma patints that qui twmdicins, including salmtol. Ask you docti you hav any qustions.
Dnot us a scond inhald bonchodilatunlss you docttlls you to. This includs omotol (Poomist, Symbicot, Bvspi, Dula), aomotol (Bovana), indacatol (Acapta), olodatol (Stivdi, Stioltspimat), salmtol (Svnt), vilantol (Bllipta, Anollipta).
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