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Information about Purim.
In leap yearswhen there are two months of AdarPurim is celebrated in the second month of Adarso it is always one month before PassoverThe 14th day of the first Adar in a leap year is celebrated as a minor holiday called Purim Katanwhich meanslittle PurimThere are no specific observances for Purim Katanhowevera person should celebrate the holiday and should not mourn or fastSome communities also observe aPurim Katanon the anniversary of any day when their community was saved from a catastrophedestructionevil or oppression.
Put a dollop of filling in the middle of each circleFold up the sides to make a trianglefolding the last corner under the starting pointso that each side has corner that folds over and a corner that folds undersee picture at rightFolding in thispinwheelstyle will reduce the likelihood that the last side will fall open while cookingspilling out the fillingIt also tends to make a better triangle shape.
In leap yearswhen there are two months of AdarPurim is celebrated in the second month of Adarso it is always one month before PassoverThe 14th day of the first Adar in a leap year is celebrated as a minor holiday called Purim Katanwhich meanslittle PurimThere are no specific observances for Purim Katanhowevera person should celebrate the holiday and should not mourn or fastSome communities also observe aPurim Katanon the anniversary of any day when their community was saved from a catastrophedestructionevil or oppression.
This is a sugar cookie-style recipewhich is a common homemade styleIn stores or at synagoguesyou will often see a biggermore yeasty stylebut I don’t have a recipe for that.
The primary commandment related to Purim is to hear the reading of the book of EstherThe book of Esther is commonly known as the Megillahwhich means scrollAlthough there are five books of Jewish scripture that are properly referred to as megillahsEstherRuthEcclesiastesSong of Songsand Lamentationsthis is the one people usually mean when they speak of The MegillahIt is customary to boohissstamp feet and rattle gragersnoisemakerswhenever the name of Haman is mentioned in the serviceThe purpose of this custom is toblot out the name of Haman
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