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XELODA dosage may need to be individualized to optimize patient managementPatients should be carefully monitored for toxicity and doses of XELODA should be modified as necessary to accommodate individual patient tolerance to treatmentsee Clinical StudiesToxicity due to XELODA administration may be managed by symptomatic treatmentdose interruptions and adjustment of XELODA doseOnce the dose has been reducedit should not be increased at a later timeDoses of XELODA omitted for toxicity are not replaced or restoredinstead the patient should resume the planned treatment cycles.
The dose reduction schedule for docetaxel when used in combination with XELODA for thetreatment of metastatic breast cancer is shown in Table 3.
It is administered orally in the form of tabletswhich are usually taken twice a day with plenty of waterThe dosage is defined according the characteristics of both tumor and patientbut the treatment usually consist of several cyclesAfter being ingestedthe body transforms capecitabine tablets into the common chemotherapy drug fluorouracil.
Have had heart problemshave kidney or liver problemshave been told that you lack the enzyme DPDdihydropyrimidine dehydrogenasehave any other medical conditionsare pregnant or plan to become pregnantXELODA can harm your unborn babyYou should not become pregnant during treatment with XELODATalk to your doctor about birth control choices that may be right for you during treatment with XELODAare breastfeeding or plan to breastfeedIt is not known if XELODA passes into your breast milkYou and your doctor should decide if you will take XELODA or breastfeedYou should not do both.
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