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Triglycerides are found in body fat and from the fats you eatTriglycerides levels in the blood reflect what you have eaten recentlyHDL and LDL cholesterol levels show what you have been eating over a long period of timeIf you eat a fatty meal your triglyceride levels will be elevated for a short period of timeIf you continue to eat a diet high in fat your triglyceride levels will continue to riseThe liver transfers the triglycerides into body fator cholesterolwhich raises LDL and lowers HDL levels in the blood.
Doctorschief worries when prescribing patients simvastatin and rosuvastatin are potential liver damage and muscle breakdownThough serious liver damage is raredoctors prescribing either Crestor or Zocor will closely monitor important chemical markers that show up in liver tests to make sure the levels are in the acceptable rangeAbnormal liver tests usually return to normal after shortly after dosing startsbut if chemical markers remain three times higher than the normal accepted highest levelsyour doctor will discontinue administering the medications.
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