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Other less frequent 5 adverse experiences considered consequential and reported in at least 3 patients treated with femara, included hypercalcemia, fracture, depression, anxiety, pleural effusion, alopecia, increased sweating and vertigo.

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Letrozole is an antihormonal drug used in the vitamin d overdose and the standard treatment of vita d and of advanced hormonal sensitive breast cancerImatinib mesylate is a drugnot chemotherapythat binds to certain proteins on the low vit d symptoms and the tumor cells and prevents them from further growthImatinib mesylate is thought to prevent the symptoms of d deficiency and the potential resistance to letrozolewhich may make the vitamin d defiency symptoms and the letrozole more effective.

Femara may impair your thinking or reactionsBe careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be alertTo be sure Femara is helping your conditionyour blood may need to be tested oftenYour bone mineral density may also need to be checkedVisit your doctor regularly.

It is not known whether letrozole passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing babyYou should not breast-feed while you are using Femara and for at least 3 weeks after your last dose.

Some women reported fatiguedizziness and drowsiness with FEMARAUntil you know how it affects youuse caution before driving or operating machinery.

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