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Information about Coumadin.

NoteThis document contains side effect information about warfarinSome of the dosage forms listed on this page may not apply to the brand name Coumadin.

Many other drugs can increase your risk of bleeding when used with CoumadinTell your doctor about all medicines you have recently used.

NoteThis document contains side effect information about warfarinSome of the dosage forms listed on this page may not apply to the brand name Coumadin.

Take COUMADIN exactly as prescribedYour healthcare provider will adjust your dose from time to time depending on your response to COUMADINYou must have regular blood tess and vis its with your healthcare provider to monitor your conditionIf you miss a dose of COUMADINcall your healthcare providerTake the dose as soon as possible on the same dayDo not take a double dose of COUMADIN the next day to make up for a missed doseCall your healthcare provider right away if youtake too much COUMADIN are sick with diarrheaan infectionor have a fever fall or injure yourselfespecially if you hit your headYour healthcare provider may need to check you.

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